Brakes should operate with minimal amount of noise. Excessive squeal, screech, groaning, grinding chatter or rattle means your brakes need attention.

Probable Cause: Corrective Action:
Too much lateral run out of rotor. Correct runout to manufacturers spec.
Worn pads or linings. Replace with new pads or linings.
Twisted brake shoe. Replace brake shoes.
Weak or broken spring components. Replace with new springs.
Drums out of round. Turn or replace drums.
Loose wheel bearing. Adjust or replace faulty parts.
Foreign particles embedded in material. Replace with new pads or linings.
Faulty caliper alignment. Readjust.

What is brake noise?

Brake noise is often a sign of brake problems, squealing, screeching brake pads, groaning or rattling brakes are an indication that your brakes need attention.

How does brake noise happen?

There are many faults that can cause brakes to become noisy; damage to the brake pads or lining, damage to the brake drum and damage to the springs can all produce brake noise. Too much lateral run out and faulty caliper alignment may also contribute to excessive brake noise.

Is there any way of preventing this from reoccurring?

You should take your vehicle to a brake specialist as soon as you hear any undue noise from your brake system, at the very least your brakes will need adjustment. Some brake noise comes from part damage, wear, contamination and incorrect installation can all be factors with this problem. Noise that seems to come from the braking system may also indicate that the wheel bearings are loose, also something that should be investigated immediately.


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